Downloading in Studentby Moholt ;)
Simon Brechbühl.We have received complaints from the owner of a copyright thatcopyrighted material (films/video/multimedia) is being distributedfrom your student apartment - HK-49-22.Excerpts from the received message are included at the bottom of thismessage.Distribution of copyrighted material is a violation of theIT-regulations and the contract signed with SIT regarding the use ofthe internet connection.We call attention to the fact that you as a renter according to theIT-regulations are responsible for all activity on the internet issuedfrom your student appartment. This also includes actions done by otherpersons from your apartment. You are also responsible for making surethat only students from NTNU, HIST and DMMH or members of your familythat you share the apartment with have access to the internetconnection. This means that our reaction will apply to the internetconnection no matter who has initiated the action of current interest.It is also your responsibility to make sure that the software andservices that you make use of have no unintentional effects, likedistribution of copyrighted material to others.Software and services that distribute files often demands that youshare your files to get access to other files on the internet. Bydoing this you are distributing material and then probably violatingthe IT-regulations. Some file-sharing software splits the downloadingof a file from several computers. This means that only a part of afile may have been uploaded from your computer. This is still aviolation.In some cases you may have been the victim of an attacker from theoutside that has installed software on your computer that distributesfiles. You are however, as mentioned in the IT-regulations,responsible for the security on your own computer. You must at alltimes make sure that your computer is updated and secure.The standard procedure by this kind of violation is:* First time violation: warning and confirmation demanded.* Second time violation: shutdown of internet connection for 3 months.* Further violations: shutdown of internet connection for 6 months and a diciplinary report to the place of study.The sanctions are issued to the person responsible for the internetconnection and will pursue the person if/when moving to anotherstudent apartment. It is not permitted to "borrow" an internetconnection from other apartments or try to avoid sanctions byregistering the apartment to others that you are living with. Inapartments with several internet connections the sanctions willinclude a shutdown of all the connections.There has been no verifying of the claims from the owner of thecopyright. We assume these claims are true. We have not scanned or inother ways connected to your computer in order to try and find thefiles in question. If you by contacting the sender of the claim canprove that it is false or incorrect, you may present this to us and wewill reconsider the claim.We remind you that you must confirm that this letter is read andunderstood and that you accept the responsibility you have to makesure that such incidents do not happen again from your internetconnection. If we do not receive such a confirmation within one weekafter this letter is sent, the internet connection will be shut downuntil we receive a confirmation. You will still be able to connect tothe internet from the campus.All information regarding this incident must be done by replying tothis email from our incident management system. You may for instanceuse the reply-to function in your email-client.
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